Go For a Ride in a Pro Stock Diesel 4x4

March 5, 2019

Our subscribers have told us time and again they love ride-on footage. When we have the cameras charged and ready to go and have time to walk around the pits and put them on, it works out great. Whether they win or not is up to them, the sled, and the track.

So Greg Poore, who really like what we do for the sport, allowed us to put one on in his Rare Breed pulling truck for a pull close to his home in Amelia. We were 30 miles or so away in Rockville, Virginia. We caught up with him and our camera went along for the ride. The cameras we use are simple to operate, slide up button and you are recording. The thing of watching this video shows is how sincere of a man Greg is. I have had numerous conversations about Greg and all of them go like this, "If you change the rules to this or that, we will have a shot to run with him..." For the record hi Greg builds to the current rules, he will build to future rules. He also helps other pullers with their builds. And he is very upfront about, "If you build to this rule, you can run here... If you build to that rule, you can run there..."

Back to the action. Here is Greg Poore pulling at Rockville, Virginia at the Field Day of the Past (https://fielddayofthepast.net/). Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

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