Crew Shirts


Crew Shirts have one thing to say, here we are and my credential is my shirt.  It builds unity having everybody look professional and together.  Bear Bryant was quoted as saying to team members, "Act like you have been here before."  Crew Shirts say just that.  We look at what is being designed in the world and offer our design spins for local teams and guys and gals we know.  We offer dye sublimated shirts that are made in America and not shipped off around the world to come back.  The design cost is $200.  The individual cost per shirt is $100/each with a minimum order of six (6).  We expect that once we start a project you get back to us as soon as humanly possible or we have to move on to the next project which slows us down.  This process moves quick if you can have once single person distributing the designs to decision makers to keep us on the right track.  This takes a few days to design and about 4 weeks to dye, cut, add buttons, and ship.

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* Name of Team, Event. League
What is the official name of this team, event, or league
* Tell Us About You and Your Need
Anything else you want your designers to know (example: Corn Farmer, League in the Mountains, Plains, Beach, or your favorite colors). Or another design you have seen that you really, really like
Let your prospective fans know who to thank/where to shop (example: Local Power Equipment at 1-800-123-4567)
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