Corporate Sponsorship


Partnering with us is the fastest way to grow your following!  Our reach is tens of thousands of households each week. We have a large regional base from North Carolina to Pennsylvania.  Going west we reach Wisconsin an further on into Nebraska.  Beyond that our videos reach the corners of the world.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to text/call me at 703-626-4131.

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* Annual Will Whitt Production Sponsorship
Select the level of sponsorship: Bronze level at 250.00 gets your logo on the list of rotating sponsors, logos on our calendars, and website and a season DVD; Silver level at 500.00 gets your logo on the list of rotating sponsors double spots, logos on our calendars double spots, and website and a two season DVDs; Gold level at 1000.00 gets your logo on the list of rotating sponsors triple spots, logos on our calendars triple spots, and website and a three season DVDs; Platinum level at 2000.00 gets your logo on the list of rotating sponsors quadruple spots, logos on our calendars quadruple spots, and website and all season DVDs.
* Notes
Describe what you envision for this relationship. What do we have to offer you and vice/versa.
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